Monday, February 27, 2012

Do you expect Only the Best from Your Child?

“Think positive!” you will tell to someone you see that is worry or complaining. But some people doesn’t believe is useful and effective. Actually who doesn’t accept it will consider it as nonsense or will not pay attention to what you are suggesting nor will ask themselves what the power of positive thinking really means.

Using this with our kids, do we always think positively about them? Or are we always mentioning and repeating what they’re not capable off? Like “my kids are too lazy”, “my kids never behave good”, well if that’s what you are expecting from them they will be lazy and they will behave bad, just to confirm your expectations. But what if we expect the best behavior and performance from our children? Isn’t this what we often get? It’s the power of positive thinking in action. If you expect and believe the best you’ll receive the best!

I know parents that will constantly say their kids always get sick and that they catch every cold, well of course they will always be sick, you are affirming it to yourself and you know for sure it will happen. In my case, my kids never get sick and I’ve been saying that since the day they were born, I can count with the fingers of one hand the times they have had to go to the Dr. and that’s in a course of over 12 years.

Yes, I have sometimes been the victim of negative thoughts, too, not expecting the best from them and that’s how the cycle towards failure has started to confirm my expectations. But if on the other hand we expect, think, believe and speak about how successful, productive, creative and responsible our kids are, then they can’t help but rise to the occasion and confirm our best opinions of them with their positive actions. Remember children also pick up on our beliefs about them, form a self-concept that matches that belief, and perform accordingly.

So instead, we should fill ourselves and our kids with thoughts of self-importance, confidence and positive attitude so that there will be no room for negative thinking. Think all the time about how good they are and when negative thoughts come to mind, just switch them, thinking about all the times your child has made you happy and proud.

Show them how important positive habits are and teach them to live the same way you do, living life to its fullest in a positive way.
So no matter what, expect only the best from your children and watch them fulfill your expectations.  

The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.           
~ Norman Vincent Peale
If you’d like to know more about positive thinking or inner awareness - Click Here.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today”

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today”

Celebrate Friendship!

I remember last year my nephew decided to accompany me to pick up my kids from school. While we were slowly driving to the dismissal area he noticed that a lot of the moms will either say hi from their cars or approach mine and he asked how it was possible I knew or had such a good relationship with my kids’ friends’ moms.  That never happened to him while he was at school, and it was only a year before that he graduated high school. I explained to him that there are a lot of parents involved in this school and I’ve had the chance to meet wonderful people who I have become friends with since his cousins started in Pre-K.

And been February the international recognized Friendship month made me think of all the great moms I have met over the last 7 years at this Academy. One of them came only two years ago and even though during that time we never had the chance to meet, this year she has become not just an acquaintance but my best friend.  She is so thoughtful and caring that on Valentine’s Day she had a dozen roses to give away to teachers and friends and there was a pink one kind of withered already that she didn’t want to give to anyone but I said “Oh, don’t worry, I don’t mind keeping it so you can give the other ones away”. Well, the next day she brought me a whole dozen for myself, which got me by surprise, how nice! Now I have a garden of roses at home… too bad I don’t have a big vase so I have to use the small ones I have.

And that’s not all, ‘the most recognized mother at school’, who is very nice and detailed-oriented made a lunch reservation at P.F. Chang’s yesterday for a few of us. What a great time we had, it was all laughing and gossiping, I even got the chance to spilled my glass of water all over the table, not that I meant to, but hey if we are not sharing this lunch with the kids at least someone have to act like one, don’t you think? She also gave each of us a beautiful bracelet as a token of her friendship.

I can’t forget to mention ‘Kardashian’, how we like to call her (if you meet her you’ll know what I mean) always ready to help and take action… And the rest that will always be there when you need them… (Sorry my eyes are just watering). It will take me a few pages to describe all of them and their great qualities. It is really nice to spend time with your friends, making jokes, laughing and having a blast! Thank you for been part of my life!

"Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”
~ G. Randolf