Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it worthy to be a complainer?

I know life is not always easy and/or fair especially for mothers. We actually express it by whining about everything; if it’s not the laundry, are the dishes, the clutter, our husbands, the kids, the school, etc. We may always find something to complain about… but why?

Well, complaining must be the easiest way to express what might be wrong in a situation rather than to find what is right and talk about the good points. We may spend hours conversing about something negative, how something bad may get worse or how my bad situation compares to your bad situation; and we will always find fellowship in common complaints.

Are we so focused into our problems that all we do is complain? We may not know everybody’s circumstances but there are women out there in far worse situation than ours and they are able to make in tough times without complaining. Don’t you feel good and realize your problems are nothing when someone comes and tell you about how good they’re doing and feel despite what they’re going through? Sometimes when we complain all the time, we’re making our life and those around us miserable.

So we need to ask ourselves what is my perspective and attitude in the process? I think the answer is “Contentment”: To be mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are, assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action; to make (oneself or another person) content or satisfied, peace of mind.

Are we happy with ourselves? Do we have peace of mind? It all depends on how we look and act when different situations arise during our life. We should stop, think and look at the good side of things. There are always positives in every situation, although they may be hard to see. Don’t focus on how bad things are instead on how well you can go through anything that comes your way.

Here are a few quotes that inspire me and help me decide: complaining or contentment?

If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.                                          Anthony J. D'Angelo

Contentment consists not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire.
                                                     Thomas Fuller

The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment.
                                                     Doug Larson

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